From the book Launch, How to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love, and Live the Life of Your Dreams


From Cubicle Burnout to Dream Life Abroad

Tara had a dream of moving to France. But David had a full-time six-figure job in corporate America. When Tara discovered PLF, she and David decided to take the plunge and create version 1.0 of their product. When they generated $3,000.00 launching to just Tara’s personal Gmail contacts, they knew they were on to something big.

Note: There is no video with this Case Study – it is an audio interview with full transcript.

By turning their marketing into an educational event, Tara and David stood out above the competition and got their audience eager to say yes. To learn the key strategies in successful launches like Tara and David’s, check out my Launch Quickstart training. Part one is waiting for you right here:

Any results on this page are not typical. You are not guaranteed any specific results or income… as every person, industry, personality, and offer are unique and different. This isn’t about getting rich quick – we believe in hard work and showing up and serving your market… and putting your head down and getting to work.

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