From the book Launch, How to Sell Almost Anything Online, Build a Business You Love, and Live the Life of Your Dreams


10X Growth in Under a Year - Teaching Tennis Online

Will teaches tennis technique online, but his membership was doing “just OK”. After discovering Product Launch Formula®, sales multiplied like never before. In just one week, his membership brought in $35,000… about half of what he’d earned in the entire previous year. It was the same exact product. 

The only thing that changed was the way Will marketed it – by communicating the VALUE of his offer. 

There’s a specific way to get your audience so excited about the value you offer, they won’t even care about the price. I’ll teach it to you in part one of my free training, Launch Quickstart:

Any results on this page are not typical. You are not guaranteed any specific results or income… as every person, industry, personality, and offer are unique and different. This isn’t about getting rich quick – we believe in hard work and showing up and serving your market… and putting your head down and getting to work.

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